I was curious by our similar background, both from IST, both started as devs. But then I had some serious issues with the article.
Point 2.
That trend chart you show... what trend are we seeing? What is the meaning of the Y axis? Is it searches? Is it job offers? Also "QA", being a popular shorthand, is much more common than "Software Testing" so I feel that's somehow biased already.
You make a point that QA is not testing, you directly compare both with a table. To me that doesn't make sense. Software Testing is the discipline and QA/Tester is the role of the person who practices that discipline. Just as we have Software Development and Developers.
Point 5.
"Testers and devs do not get along". In dysfunctional teams any role X and role Y do not get along. Not sure about the value of your claim.
"QAs are not just testers". Again, I feel you are just talking about semantics. Like the "testing" vs "checking" old debate. If that's the case, then I could argue that your "Quality Assurance" is a dream, because "to ensure" means "to guarantee with 100% confidence". Can your definition of "QA" ensure a piece of software with 0% bugs and 100% quality? No.
You can "advocate" quality but you can't "assure" quality. I think you are selling an unrealistic expectation. Even critical systems like NASA produce accidents that cost lives.